Page 39 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 39
Extension | Spring 2020 39
and brought it to David’s attention. How does a Catholic
“I realized these annuities could Extension Charitable To learn more about Catholic
Extension’s annuity program—
sponsor both of our lives, because Gift Annuity work? which was started in 1908 and
payments would continue for is the oldest, largest program of
Diane, even after I’m gone. I could If you are at least 55 its kind in the country—please
keep taking care of her,” he said. years old, you (or another contact Betty Assell, manager of
They decided to start selling beneficiary) can receive annuities, at (800) 842-7804 or
their properties and convert the an attractive income for as
Or, visit our website:
proceeds into Catholic Extension long as you live through a
charitable gift annuity.
annuities. They sold four proper-
ties in 2018, two in 2019, and with 1 You make a gift to Catholic
the earnings, purchased six annu- Extension (and receive a char- when he joined the U.S. Navy
ities. They plan to sell all of the itable deduction in the year of during World War II. Using the G.I.
the gift).
properties. Those earnings will Bill, he earned a mechanical engi-
also become Catholic Extension 2 You get fixed payments for the neering degree in 1951 at Brad-
rest of your life (and a portion
annuities. of the payment is tax-free). ley University in Peoria, Illinois.
“I love the tax benefits,” said In 1986, while working at Abbott,
Diane. “I’d rather give our 3 Then, what remains after your he earned an MBA by attending
lifetime will help Catholic
money to Catholic Exten- Extension build faith, inspire school at night.
sion than pay taxes.” hope and ignite change—now During World War II, he was
and for future generations. stationed in Japan with the Navy.
Making a meaningful “Everyone was given a Bible,
contribution which I read many times,” he said.
For both David and “We needed faith just to survive.”
Diane, their younger years Years later when he met Diane, he
played a huge role in converted to Catholicism.
helping them now appre- As David learns about the poor
ciate the value of their communities that Catholic Exten-
relationship with Cath- sion serves, he has a soft spot for
olic Extension. Diane them. He knows how low one can
was raised in a Catholic feel in poverty and the importance
family who encouraged of small flickers of hope.
Christian values and in 1927, his family was desperately “Being poor for so many years
instilled a deep sense poor. In his early years, during the and also seeing how important
of responsibility to help Depression, they moved often faith was to me in times of intense
others. As she and David “looking for places where we stress, such as during the war,
were considering the didn’t have to pay rent,” he said. really helps me understand the
financial options for sell- The family was constantly on the power of Catholic Extension,” he
ing their properties, the move, unsettled and hungry. said.
idea that Catholic Exten- David was able to pull him- With their solid and inspiring
sion’s annuity program self out of poverty’s depths. At financial plan in place, and David
so positively impacts age 16, working long hours, he left still not ready to retire, they plan
other Catholics was a big high school and began an 8,000- to sell their residence after the last
priority for her. hour apprenticeship with Cater- rental property is sold and move to
David’s family was not pillar Inc., which included tak- Chandler, Arizona, so they can be
religious, and his child- ing special high school classes. close to their grandchildren.
hood was not easy. Born This was temporarily interrupted