Page 37 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 37
Extension | Spring 2020 37
Dr. Ramon
Tallaj, with his
wife, Dr. Ines
Tallaj, receives
the Spirit of
Francis Award in
New York City in
Dr. Tallaj works
in healthcare
with immigrant
populations in
New York City.
ment of leaders who work with in the Gospel of Christ.
SPIRIT OF FRANCIS AWARD Latino immigrant communities in What is the role of the Catholic
This annual award recognizes the poorest regions of the country. Church in serving vulnerable and
individuals who have contrib- This program also creates places of marginalized populations?
uted significantly to the mission worship because religious prac- The Catholic Church has always
of the Catholic Church in Amer- tice is a great contribution to the stood by the poor. This is an essen-
ica through service or philan- spiritual life of our communities. tial function that defines the
thropy. Dr. Tallaj was chosen for Solidarity is one of the values Church from its earliest days. The
his compassionate, lifetime ser- that best defines a Catholic. We Church continues to watch over
vice to poor communities, espe- are in solidarity with those who and help the poor—the immi-
cially immigrant populations. need us, because each person grants, elderly, children and help-
is our brother or sister, another less— in other words, the needi-
child of God. Catholic Extension’s est in our society. Today, social dif-
patients and care deeply about the mission has transformed entire ferences are even more marked,
well-being of the people who they communities, which means that so Catholics have a responsibility
serve and their communities. it has improved the lives of many to respond to the call of our faith,
Catholic Extension’s mission is people. This is a task that fills us to create missions that help peo-
to work in solidarity in Ameri- with pride—transforming lives— ple in need.
ca’s poorest regions to build up socially and from the perspectives In healthcare, the Catholic
vibrant and transformative faith of health and faith. Church stands out for its great con-
communities. Why is this mission How does your faith inspire your tributions globally to heal the sick
meaningful to you? life and your work? and give them adequate atten-
I support Catholic Extension My Catholic faith inspires every- tion. Hospitals are a creation of the
because it has a long history as thing in my life. In a dynamic soci- Church inspired by the example of
a Catholic institution dedicated ety like ours, it can be difficult to Jesus who came to heal and teach
to serving the most vulnerable always follow the teachings of the a new way of living life.
people in the United States. The Church. One makes mistakes, but
results of your work are palpable. faith inspires us to seek and follow
The most admirable thing about the right path, the path indicated
Catholic Extension is its develop-