Page 34 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 34
A foundation of love
In 1952, Kathleen’s parents,
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey, cre-
ated the foundation to support
educational, medical and Catho-
lic institutions. “My parents were
visionaries,” said Kathleen. “There
were very few family foundations
at the time, but my parents—who
were devout Catholics—wanted to
share what we had.”
Today, the foundation remains
deeply rooted in compassion,
a desire to lift up others and an
immense gratitude for the bless-
ings the Leaveys have been given.
It’s a generosity that grew out of
At home, Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan enjoys photos of her children and grandchildren. the difficult circumstances under
which Kathleen’s father, Thomas
Generosity in the genes Leavy, grew up.
Born in northern California to
Irish immigrants, Thomas was
From humble beginnings, a family foundation raised in poverty on a dairy farm.
in California pays it forward His family sacrificed greatly so he
could attend Santa Clara University
and law school
here’s a simple LEFT A family at Georgetown
truth that guides the portrait of Kathleen University.
Thomas and Doro- McCarthy Kostlan Following ser-
thy Leavey Founda- with her sister and vice in the U.S.
parents, Thomas
tion: If you are able and Dorothy Army, he and a
Tto help others, you Leavey. business partner
should help. “My parents firmly started Farmers
believed that and instilled it in me Insurance in Los Angeles in 1928
and our organization,” explained to serve farmers, whom they
Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan, pres- saw as an overlooked mar-
ident of the Los Angeles-based ket. The company quickly
foundation. “When we have a pur- expanded and continues
pose above and beyond ourselves, today as a major, national
something bigger than we are— insurance company.
like our Catholic faith—we have to With the success of their
support each other.” served, and in a missionary way, company, Thomas and
In Catholic Extension, the foun- helps them build up their faith Dorothy eagerly wanted
dation and Kathleen have found lives. It’s rewarding to help people to give back. “My father
that purpose. “Catholic Exten- in the trenches, especially those came from humble
sion works with people in the working so hard to improve their beginnings and knew
far reaches who are not being lives,” she said. what it was like to