Page 35 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 35

Extension | Spring 2020  35

       struggle. When he was in a posi-  lic Church does so much good   But in areas with a limited Church
       tion to assist others, he set up a   in the world,” Kathleen said. “It   presence, people are so eager for
       channel to help,” said Kathleen.   plays such a huge role in soci-  more access to the Church.”
       “My mother always said if you have   ety—founding hospitals and    “It is especially important to
       something to give, do it. She came   schools—but many of its good   build up the laity,” she added.
       from a generous family and when-  works, like what Catholic Exten-  “Since so many places across
       ever they had an opportunity to   sion does, are under the radar.   America don’t have a priest on
       help someone, they did it.”      The Church deserves more credit   every street corner, we need to
         The foundation supports many   for all it does.”               help laypeople become leaders in
       Catholic causes. “The Catho-                                     the Church.”
                                        Connecting with Catholic          Kathleen also applauds the
                                        Extension                       entrepreneurship and creativity of
                                           Since 2014, the foundation has   people served by Catholic Exten-
                                          supported Catholic Extension   sion.  “I am always amazed by how
                                           in its work to build up vibrant   people like my father, who lacked
                                            and transformative Catholic   financial resources, can accom-
                                             faith communities.         plish so much with so little,” she
                                                “One’s faith is important   said. “They find new and differ-
                                               not only every day, but par-  ent avenues to achieve their goals.
                                               ticularly in times of cri-  And their faith can be so transfor-
                                                sis,” said Kathleen. “It   mative in these situations.”
                                                makes all the difference   “We have to reach out to those in
                                               in the world.”           need,” she added. “Our faith brings
                                                She appreciates the     us together and unites us.”
                                             work of Catholic Exten-
                                            sion in building churches and   Extending the family legacy
                                           acknowledges her good for-     In building the foundation,
                                         tune in always living near a Cath-  Thomas and Dorothy wanted to
                                          olic church. “When you grow up   keep their family active in its mis-
                                            with the Church and you’ve   sion. Kathleen and her sister joined
                                                always had it, it’s easy to   its board at a young age. Kathleen’s
                                                      take for granted—  late husband, J. Thomas McCarthy,
                                                          it’s just part   had also been on the board. “Early
                                                            and parcel   on, my parents taught us how the
                                                              of life.   foundation works and why it’s
                                                                        important,” Kathleen said.
                                                                          Today, most of Thomas and Dor-
                                                                        othy’s nine grandchildren are on
                                                                        the foundation’s board, rotating
                                                                        turns to serve. “We are sustaining
                                                                        my parents’ vision and instilling
                                                                        the value of giving to the next gen-
                                                                        eration,” Kathleen said.
                                                                          “My parents started something
                                                                        very special,” she said. “We are
                                                                        continuing their dream.”
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