Page 36 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 36

            Donor Q&A

        Dr. Ramon Tallaj,
        chairman of the board

        of SOMOS Community
        Care in New York
        City and a Catholic
        Extension donor,

        recently received our
        Spirit of Francis Award

                    ell us about your
                      I had a happy,
                    humble child-       Providing healthcare in
                    hood. My family is
        Tof Lebanese origin.            vulnerable populations
        My paternal grandparents immi-
        grated to the Dominican Repub-
        lic and worked hard for their chil-
        dren to get ahead. My father was   ing them. I became a doctor in   patients. As a doctor, I was a liv-
        a pharmacist and my Uncle José   the Dominican Republic. Medi-  ing witness to the importance of
        was a doctor. My parents instilled   cine is my passion. In time, I was   humanistic medical attention,
        in us Catholic and civic values like   appointed Deputy Minister of Pub-  which focuses on the patient, on
        responsibility, work, compassion   lic Health in the government of Dr.   their social environment, on their
        and solidarity. I received a Cath-  Joaquín Balaguer.           socioeconomic conditions and on
        olic education through the De La   Why did you move to New York   their language and culture.
        Salle Brothers.                 City?                           Tell us about SOMOS, the organi-
        Why did you become a doctor?      I came to the United States in   zation you founded.
          As a child, I loved what my   1991 with my wife, Ines, and two   SOMOS was created in 2014 to
        Uncle José did. He was the town   young children, Paul and Kather-  provide better healthcare to bene-
        pediatrician. Every day, parents   ine, after receiving an invitation   ficiaries of the state government’s
        came to him very concerned about   from Cardinal John O’Connor of   Medicaid program—who are
        the health of their children and   New York. He asked me to join the   mainly low-income people, immi-
        most without any money to pay   work of the Catholic Church with   grants and the elderly. It has 3,500
        for the consultation. He never   the Latino community at St. Clare   healthcare providers and more
        turned anyone away, even those   Hospital.                      than 650,000 patients. It is run
        who came from far away, who he   Tell us about this work.       by doctors who are immigrants or
        put up in his house while treat-  At St. Clare Hospital, many peo-  descendants of immigrants. These
                                        ple were dying from AIDS. At    doctors speak the language of their
                                        that time, it was the only hospi-  patients and share their culture.
                                        tal in New York that served HIV   Our doctors are leaders who reside
                                                                        in the neighborhoods of their
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