Page 41 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 41

Extension | Spring 2020  41

                                                                        Father John Mosier,
                                                                        serving the Diocese of Boise,
                                                                        is a widower and had an
                                                                        engineering career before
                                                                        entering the seminary.

                                                                        young priests are being asked
                                                                        to manage parishes at an earlier
                                                                        age. For many, the budgeting and
                                                                        finances can be overwhelming.
                                                                        At my age, having managed a big
                                                                        budget during my engineering
                                                                        career, I know financial state-
                                                                        ments. I’ve worked with auditors
                                                                        and in human resources, making
                                                                        hiring and firing decisions. In
                                                                        leadership positions, you get better
                                                                        at learning the questions to ask. So,
                                                                        when we’re running out of space
                                                                        in the school, I’m not asking about
       “                                bring to his priestly ministry?   any other work, you get better with
                                                                        2021, but about 2029. Just like in
        The primary role of a
                                          What do his life experiences
                                                                        life experience.”
                                                                          Mosier believes it’s invaluable
        priest is pastoral care and
                                          “From my marriage I learned
        the sacraments, but the
                                                                        talk to young people about this. If
        administrative role is also     humility and empathy. When      to be part of something bigger. “I
                                        you’re married, it’s not about you,
                                                                        you’re part of an organization like
        important.”                     it’s a partnership. You learn to   a 240-year-old Marine Corp or a
                                        humble your desires and opinions   2,000-year-old Church, you realize
                                        because you love your spouse,”   that you’re privileged to be part of
        profound sense of service and   he said. “When a couple comes to   something that many people, who
        wanted to help the Church.” He   me for guidance, whether before   have walked before you, have
        was ordained in June 2018.      marriage or if they’re struggling, I   contributed to and made stron-
          Father Mosier is grateful to   can reflect on being a husband and   ger. So, my significance exists in
        Catholic Extension for supporting   the things I did well and the things   the significance of others.”
        him in the seminary. “Through me,   I wish I’d done better.”      His first assignment is pastor
        your donors become the hands                                    of St. Thomas Apostle Church in
        and feet of Christ,” he said. “You   The value of experience    Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. “It’s a dream
        are allowing a Catholic priest    The job experience also helps.   parish,” he said. “It was estab-
        to be there during moments of   “The primary role of a priest is   lished in 1890, is designed in a
        vulnerability in people’s lives,   pastoral care and the sacraments,   neo-Gothic style and sits on a lake.
        especially when they are suffer-  but the administrative role is also   Masses are packed. We’ll have
        ing. That priest is the manifesta-  important,” he said. “Years ago,   more than 3,000 parishioners by
        tion of generosity of everyone   young priests had more years   spring. We are growing each and
        who helped him get there.       being mentored by older priests.   every week.”
                                        But now with a shortage of priests,
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