Page 42 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 42


         From the mail

        Dear Catholic Extension,
        IN THE MORE THAN 19 years I’ve
        been here in the Diocese of Beau-
        mont, I have seen firsthand how Cath-  Bishop Curtis  Guillory joins St. Joseph parishioners in Port Arthur, Texas
        olic Extension, through its generous
        donors, supports and benefits a mis-  Church here as well. For many years,   grateful and appreciative we are of your
        sion diocese. However, many times the   Catholic Extension has supported   collaboration in our ministry. So, I say
        magnitude of it is lost because it is only   our ministries, by funding programs   thank you—to Catholic Extension and
        seen in bits and pieces.         and supporting positions. Hundreds   all your partners in faith and ministry—
          For more than 100 years, Catholic   of thousands of Southeast Texans   from all of us that make up the Church
        Extension has been helping parishes   have felt the impact of your generous   of the Diocese of Beaumont.
        and ministries in Southeast Texas.   funding. It is very difficult to put   › Most. Rev. Curtis J. Guillory, SVD,
        You didn’t just help us after Hurricane   into words the impact that Catholic   DD | Bishop of Beaumont
        Harvey—you also helped us rebuild   Extension has had over the history of   Diocese of Beaumont, TX
        after Hurricane Ike.             the Church in Southeast Texas. And
          You’ve helped build the spiritual   even more difficult to express just how   Dear Extension donors,
                                                                         FIRST, A BIG THANK YOU to Catholic
                                                                         Extension for the grant to the Diocese
                                                                         of Reno for our vocations. It is such
                                                                         wonderful news to receive this grant
                                                                                       as it truly helps our
                                                                                       vocations team. I
                                                                                       write this before we
                                                                                       ordain two men to
                                                                                       the priesthood. We
                                                                                       have been blessed
                                                                         these past few years in that most of our
                                                                         recently ordained have been local.
          Dear Catholic Extension,      the past two years. Not only are these   Blessings from the high desert and
          DUE TO THE MARKETING initiatives   students benefitting, but our entire   the American West!
          through your Catholic School Sustain-  city benefits as well. Thank you.  › Fr. Robert W. Chorey |
          ability program, the Native American   › Rev. Fr. Isaac Ogba |   Co-Director of Vocations
          population of Sacred Heart Catholic   Superintendent of Catholic Schools  Chancellor/Moderator of the Curia
          School has increased to 50 percent in   Diocese of Gallup, NM  Diocese of Reno, NV

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