Page 31 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 31

Extension | Spring 2020    31

          In the past decade, Catholic   listening to, suffering with, giving   Jaime Torres, center, associate director
        Extension has had close ties to   hope to and sharing our lives with   of faith formation for the diocese, provides
        several communities of women    the immigrants. Our best contri-  strong lay leadership and inspiration to adults
        religious. In 2011, a group of Sisters   bution is our prophetic witness of   and young people.
        of the Missionary Carmelites of   unity and joy.”
        Saint Teresa arrived in the town of   In 2020, a second group of   through workshops and one-on-
        Hamburg to serve in Holy Spirit   Mexcian sisters arrived with the   one mentoring, especially using
        Church, which is the only Catholic   USLASEP to continue ministering   the medium of music.
        presence for miles. When the    to Hispanics. These sisters of Mis-  Catholic Extension also funds
        sisters began their ministry, with   sionary Charity of Mary provide   laypeople who work in a variety
        their salaries funded by Catholic   pastoral care, teach classes, engage   of pastoral ministries, helping
        Extension, the parish started   the youth and mentor Catholics in   extend the arm of the Church on
        growing. Soon they needed a     isolated areas.                 many fronts. We support leaders
        larger space and with a Catholic                                in campus ministry and in the
        Extension grant, they renovated an   LAITY BRING DIVERSE SKILLS  last 10 years have funded nearly
        old tire shop into a new church.   Catholic Extension supports lay   $300,000 in the diocese for cam-
          In 2014, three sisters from   leadership in the diocese in many   pus ministries, helping to develop
        Mexico arrived in the diocese   ways. In the last decade, Catholic   future leaders in the Church.
        through Catholic Extension’s U.S.-  Extension has funded several posi-  Catholic Extension is grateful to
        Latin American Sisters Exchange   tions, including two through our   all these courageous and inspri-
        Program (USLASEP) for a five-year   Hispanic Lay Leadership Initiative.   ational leaders for the role they
        commitment to serve Hispanic    One leader, Jaime Torres, is the   play in sustaining the presence of
        communities. They worked in     diocese’s associate director of faith   the Church in dire circumstances,
        rural parishes, creating religious   formation. A former gang member,   for rolling up their sleeves at all
        education and faith formation pro-  Torres, who is also a rapper, works   hours of the day and night and for
        grams and promoting vocations.  with young people who face the   being such dedicated servants to
          One of the three, Sister María   same challenges he once did and   Catholics who face unique and
        Teresa de Loera, said, “We are   brings them closer to the Church   sustained hardships.
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