Page 28 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 28
Feature Story
Monsignor Scott Friend, the director Since our founding, Catholic LEADERSHIP AT THE TOP
of vocations for the diocese, has greatly Extension has funded leaders The Diocese of Little Rock is
increased the numbers of priestly who share our missionary vision. blessed with many missionary
ordinations in the past decade. Photo
taken at Christ the King Catholic Church. We support seminarians, priests, vocations. At the helm of this
women religious and laypeople robust group of leaders is Bishop
“ serving people in the peripheries, in Little Rock in 2008 and inspires
who are relentlessly devoted to
Anthony Taylor, who was installed
“Serving the peripheries is
them all. He cares profoundly
often traveling great distances to
for the poor and vulnerable and
reach them.
so important. In Arkansas,
is developing outreach minis-
In the Diocese of Little Rock, we
we have great distances
between Catholics here… fund many great missioners. These tries to support their needs. By
elevating faith communities in
dedicated servants build and sus-
We are fortunate so many tain the presence of the Church in marginalized areas and uniting
the most challenging and isolated different ethnic groups, he is not
people are now stepping areas. But as we have seen time only attracting people to join the
up to serve.” and time again, for someone with Church and nurturing inactive
a missionary heart, no distance Catholics to recommit to their
—BISHOP ANTHONY TAYLOR is too great, and no hurdle is faith, but he is demonstrating
too large. The job is never done. the true missionary nature of the
There’s always another person in Church and encouraging people
need, just over the horizon. to serve.