Page 23 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 23

Extension | Spring 2020    23

          With a gift from a generous   Cross Church in Park Ridge, Illi-  years ago, and they wanted to find
        anonymous donor and three of    nois, and St. James & Immaculate   a parish who was now in need, as
        Catholic Extension’s parish part-  Conception Church in Stoughton,   they had once been.
        ners, Catholic Extension was able   Massachusetts, both raised money   Three representatives from St.
        to contribute $130,000 for the con-  through Lenten appeals. St. Paul   Paul of the Cross recently had
        struction. The three parish partners   Church in Vienna, Illinois, held a   the opportunity to visit the new
        brought St. Luke’s story to their   special “pay it forward” campaign,   St. Luke Church and to meet
        own faith communities, appeal-  as their own church had benefited   parishioners.
        ing for support. St. Paul of the   from a Catholic Extension grant   Adrienne Timm, director of
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