Page 22 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 22


            Cover Story

               Parishioners are so proud of their new
             church, which was recently dedicated. It
           contains many salvageable pieces from
            their old church, including the Stations of
            the Cross, crucifix, tabernacle, statues and
           stained-glass windows. The altar and pews
                were donated from other churches.

        Faith & Mission was established to
        expand places of worship in poor
        areas across the state. The brain-
        child of Bishop Anthony Taylor,
        the program invites all parishes
        in Arkansas to partner with a
        struggling, neighboring parish to
        help it become a thriving faith
          “The program is a great example
        of how the parishes of our diocese
        can band together to assist     select a site for its new church,
        rural parishes with the special   purchasing the property of the   HELP FROM CATHOLIC
        challenges they face,” said Bishop   Bradley County Farmers Associ-  EXTENSION AND OTHERS
        Taylor. St. Luke Parish was selected   ation, an old co-op warehouse,   Even with continued fundrais-
        as the first community to receive   not far from the original St. Luke.   ing and assistance from the One
        a fundraising boost through this   While the building was rundown,   Church program, St. Luke Parish
        initiative.                     it was what the parish could afford,   still faced steep costs to renovate
          With aid from the One Church   and parishioners immediately   the old building. Catholic Exten-
        program, the parish was able to   envisioned creating a sacred place   sion was asked to help.
                                        of dignity.
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