Page 29 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 29

Extension | Spring 2020    29

          “Our diocese has been mis-    fortunate so many people are now   Monsignor Friend (right of podium) and
        sionary from the beginning,” he   stepping up to serve.”        fellow priests visit Catholic High School for
        said. “We were founded in 1843 on                               Boys in Little Rock to engage young people
        the same day that the dioceses of   INCREASING PRIESTLY VOCATIONS  in the Church.
        Chicago, Milwaukee and Hartford,   The diocese is making great   to this boom, including the men-
        Connecticut, were founded—but   strides in inspiring new priests.   torship of Monsignor Scott Friend,
        unlike these others, we are rural   With 19 ordinations in the last   the vocations director since 2005,
        and spread out, with priests cover-  three years, Little Rock leads the   who brings stability and continuity.
        ing many small churches. It’s been   nation in numbers of ordinations   Monsignor Friend visits
        part of our character all along.”  among the dioceses that Catholic   youth programs, planting the
          Bishop Taylor acknowledges    Extension supports. Vocations   seed of vocations early. “We
        that Pope Francis’ call to go to the   have doubled since Bishop Taylor   introduce young people to peer
        peripheries has encouraged his   arrived and he has ordained half   ministry and being part of a faith
        own missionary zeal. “Serving the   the diocesan priests currently   community,” he said. “We foster
        peripheries is so important,” he   ministering. With diocesan, reli-  enthusiasm for being part of the
        said. “In Arkansas, we have great   gious order and missionary priests,   Church.”
        distances between Catholics here.   the diocese now has 121 priests   At the local high schools, he
        We have 75 counties in the state.   serving. Their average age, of 49   holds vocational signing events,
        Eight of those counties have no   years, stands in contrast to the   similar to what athletes do for
        Catholic churches and 34 counties   national average age of 63 years.   a sports team, so high school
        have no resident priest. We are   Many factors have contributed   seniors can sign a letter of intent
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