Page 41 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 41
Winter 2019 41
Father Omar Soto
Torres courageously
led the recovery
efforts to provide
humanitarian and
spiritual support
to hundreds of
Often it is in these times Sacred Heart of Jesus their toughest moments and find-
of crisis that true leadership 2019 u 2020 Parish received $5,000 in ing his own strengths as a priest
emerges. Father Omar funding through Catholic and his own calling as a shepherd.
knew his community was Extension’s Patrons of Father Omar said, “My greatest
devastated and he leapt Puerto Rico program, blessing is being a priest. I am
into action. He provided which assists parishes able to influence people with the
solace, spiritual guidance Lumen for hurricane rebuilding. Gospel and let them know that
and optimism during their Christi Catholic Extension has there is always hope. The center is
darkest days. AWARD long supported minis- not me, it is Jesus. I am convinced
“I realized that a priest FINALIST tries, leaders and church that I am where God wants me
is not a guy who only building in the diocese. to be to proclaim Jesus. I want to
stands behind the altar, In the midst of this trag- bring others to Him and to make
but also must be integrated with edy, Father Omar has stepped up Him present to those in need.”
the people,” he said. courageously to lead his parish and Bishop Rubén González Medina
He started organizing street has inspired a renewed closeness of Ponce said, “Father Omar has
Masses and to reach out more and dedication to the faith among distinguished himself for his
intentionally to the youth of the parishioners and townspeople. humanitarian aid and for the
community. With a special abil- Parishioners say this resurgence growth of the Catholic faith in his
ity to make the Gospel simple, has helped them feel more united community. He has demonstrated
accessible and joyful, he focuses as part of a faith community that dynamism and responsibility in all
on engaging young people to help serves the greater whole. his courageous endeavors.”
them see that the Church is part of With this mission, he is leading
a brighter tomorrow. parishioners of Sacred Heart in