Page 36 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 36
Lumen Christi Finalist
ongtime friends Mike MIKE HENTGES began her new life. She held a job,
Hentges and Steve AND STEVE SMITH | finished her education and worked
Smith saw a pressing on her relationship with the babies’
need in their Missouri DIOCESE OF father (who was also mentored by
community—homeless, JEFFERSON CITY, SRS house). After the babies were
Lpregnant women were MISSOURI born prematurely, community
desperately seeking support to members, from all walks of life and
become responsible mothers. They Caring for faith traditions, provided around-
wanted to reach out to help. “We the-clock care for them. With the
ers, the babies will be cared for,” mothers babies now healthy, the couple will
realized that if we help the moth-
soon be married.
said Smith. While the houses serve women
They realized that their most helps babies regardless of their religious affili-
important contribution could be ation, the founders said that from
to offer housing and guidance to too the beginning — this project was a
help these women through healthy mission of the Church. “It is amaz-
pregnancies and to learn parenting ing what God can do with a little
skills. ‘yes’ from us,” said Smith.
They founded St. Raymond’s “Even if you’re certain that
Society (SRS), a nonprofit that degrees and secure stable housing. you’re doing God’s work — or per-
shelters and mentors pregnant “Our staff have moved from being haps, especially if you’re certain
women. The shelter is named for ‘house moms’ to being certified you’re doing His work — you have
St. Raymond, the patron of child- life coaches,” said Smith. to rely on God. You need Him for
birth, midwives and expectant Through the vision of Hentges guidance, strength, humility and
mothers. and Smith, and their dedication to the unexpected miracles that get
Since the first house opened the SRS houses, remarkable stories you through impossible situa-
in 2012, SRS has grown into four of transformation abound. Janey tions,” Hentges added.
locations. With 11 employees and came to them in crisis—pregnant Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of
more than 150 volunteers, they with triplets and no place to live. Jefferson City said, “Steve and Mike
provide maternal and pastoral care She moved into a SRS house and give clear witness to our obligation
to vulnerable women. And by redi-
recting the path of the women Smith and
they serve, they completely Hentges mentor
change the trajectory of the lives of and guide young
their children. pregnant mothers
who are alone
Most mothers stay at the SRS with no social
house for several months, during network or
pregnancy and after their babies financial resources
are born. They receive basic sup- in Jefferson City,
plies and counseling in a lov- Missouri.
ing, faith-filled environment.
They are nurtured and given secu-
rity and self-confidence. The SRS
staff move the mothers toward
self-sufficiency, helping them
find employment, obtain college