Page 39 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 39

Extension | Winter 2019  39

                                           The surrounding residents, who   Catholic Extension. Early this year,
                                        are mainly Protestants, started   they dedicated St. Teresa of Kolk-
                                        noticing the GHM, who were      ata Church, with 142 families.
                                        reaching out to the poor, home-    Parishioner Ken Barren said,
                                        bound and elderly in the area,   “We have become a true commu-
                                        regardless of their faith. For many,   nity. Many people here live in rural
                                        the missioners are the first Catho-  areas with faraway neighbors. The
                                        lics they had ever known.       church is a gathering point for us.”
                                           At one fundraiser a woman       Additionally, in neighboring
                                        approached Father Tom and said,   Rutledge, Father Steve and Broth-
                                        “I’m a Baptist, but I see              ers Craig, Tom and Joe are
                                        how much good you’re                   creating a Catholic com-
                                        doing in our community. I   2019  u 2020  munity called St. John Paul
                                        want to see it continue —              II Catholic Mission.
                                        here’s a check for $500.”                In an area where one-
                                           Additionally, the com-              third of the children live
         2                              munity received a $50,000              below the poverty line, the
                                        matching grant from Cath- Lumen
                                                                               GHM collect and distrib-
         New churches  in               olic Extension to build St.   Christi  ute food, clothing, blankets

         Appalachia built               Michael the Archangel     AWARD        and backpacks filled with
         with our support               Catholic Mission, which   FINALIST     school supplies. They orga-
                                        was completed in 2018
                                                                               nize summer activities for
                                        and has 115 families.           children.
        — started from ground zero. They   In nearby Maynardville, a simi-  The missioners are building
        took out ads in local newspapers   lar story unfolded. With no church   churches for isolated Catholics with
        to announce meetings and held   when the GHM arrived, Father    few places to gather and worship
        Masses in makeshift spaces.     Steve held a “bring-your-own-   together. They are bringing the
          Father Tom began with a hand-  chair” Mass for 26 people in a   presence of the Catholic Church to
        ful of Catholics gathering in some-  house’s carport. Soon the congre-  a region that is largely non-Cath-
        one’s living room in Erwin. Soon   gation turned to big spaces and   olic. True to their spirit, they are
        they rented local spaces and started   fundraising. They too received   the hands and feet of Christ for so
        fundraising for a church.       a $50,000 matching grant from   many who have never met Him.

        Fathers  Pawelk (left) and Charters with parishioners at two new churches in Maynardville and Erwin that Catholic Extension helped to fund.
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