Page 7 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 7
Extension | Spring 2020 7
FAR LEFT In March 1958, Extension magazine was the
first to publish a story by Mary Higgins Clark, launching
her career as a professional writer.
LEFT Mary Higgins Clark received Catholic Extension’s
first Spirit of Francis Award in New York City in 2014 to
honor her dedication to the Catholic Church.
ings and reach out to others—
especially to people who hav-
en’t had the breaks that we’ve
had—and this compassion is so
absolutely, desperately import-
ant,” she said.
“My faith is the backbone
of who I am, and I know I am
in God’s hands,” she added.
“Spreading our faith to our chil-
dren and grandchildren and
helping those who struggle to
practice their faith—that is our
mission. It’s not just something
we like to do. It’s our mission.”
Catholic Extension is for-
ever grateful for her generous
support of our mission. In pre-
senting her with the first Spirit
of Francis Award, Father Jack
Wall, president of Catholic Ex-
new power and a new perspec- For Mary, in her more than tension, explained that Mary
tive, a person is not the same 50 novels, her heroes are “embodies the spirit of Saint
from the beginning to the end mainly female who find them- Francis of Assisi, Catholic Ex-
of the story. He or she is trans- selves in peril and have to fig- tension founder Francis Clem-
formed into a stronger person. ure out how to right the situ- ent Kelley, and Pope Francis by
Catholic Extension also be- ation. “I tell stories about very sensing the suspense of what
lieves in stories of transforma- nice people whose lives are in- the mystery at work is doing
tion. Across the country, we vaded, and through their own and seeing the struggle be-
meet people in precarious cir- courage, strength and faith, tween good and evil.”
cumstances and through their they get their way through,” Mary leaves us with a rich
faith, they improve their lives. she said. trove of stories and a beauti-
Just like Mary’s engaging ful sense of optimism for a life
stories, those of Catholic Ex- GENEROSITY BASED IN FAITH well lived. As she said, “If you
tension focus on the mystery Mary changed millions of want to be happy for a year,
of life, and especially the mys- lives not only through her writ- win the lottery. If you want to
tery of God’s work in our lives. ing, but through her generosity. be happy for life, love what you
It is in this mystery that we un- Much of the impetus for this do. I am blessed by God with
derstand our infinite power to generosity was her Catholic the joy of loving what I do.”
change, to love and to always faith. “Faith and hope are what Thank you, Mary Higgins
be blessings for each other. make us move as human be- Clark.