Page 6 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 6


                                                                  “Put away the
                                                                 mirror, mademoi­
                                                                 selle.”  The words
                                                                  were quiet, the
                                                                 English clear, the
                                                                  accent a heavy
                                                                    “Put away the
                                                                    mirror, mademoi­
                                                                   selle.”  The words
                                                                    were quiet, the
                                                                   English clear, the
                                                                    accent a heavy
                                                Last Flight    By hiding a refugee stowaway, she risked the
                                                           future and the hatred of the man she loved
                                               from Danubia  by  MAR Y HIGGINS CLARK
                                                              Tom had just come in from the
                                                       “You look too young for even that
                                                 smoke-blue uni  form coat and  length of time. But if you could have  Operations Office. He nodded when
                                                 tried to ignore her growing  seen my country before it was occupied.  his eyes met hers. Carol wondered how
                                                 AROL shivered inside her
                                               Cuneasiness. As she glanced  This room was always full of gaiety.  much longer it would be before her heart
                                                around the wait  ing-room of the air  When I returned to America from my  stopped racing painfully at every glimpse
                                                Last Flight
                                                       last visit twenty relatives came to see  of him, before she stopped being so aware
                                                dressed peasant dolls in the showcases  me off. This time no one dared come.  of his splendid tallness in the dark uni-
                                                made an incongruous background for  It isn’t wise to make a public display of  form. She reminded herself sternly that
                                                terminal she thought that the gaily-
                                                               it was time she regarded him as just
                                                            By hiding a refugee stowaway, she risked the
                                               from Danubia  future and the hatred of the man she loved
                                                        Carol lowered her voice. “There are  another Captain and not as the man she
                                                the grim  -faced policemen who passed in  one’s American con  nections.”
                                                passengers, watching the policemen,  so many more policemen today than  had loved so dearly.
                                                               She spoke to him, her gray eyes
                                                front of them. The handful of boarding
                                                            by  MAR Y HIGGINS CLARK
                                                        “A member of the underground has  veiled, non  committal. “You wanted me,
                                                 AROL shivered inside her
                                                were standing together, their eyes full  usual. Do you know why?”
                                                       “You look too young for even that
                                                               Tom’s tone was as businesslike as
                                                As she walked toward them, one of  escaped,” he whispered. “He was spotted  Captain?”
                                                               her own. “I was wondering if you’ve
                                                the pas  sengers was saying: “The chase  near here an hour ago. They’ll surely  Tom had just come in from the
                                                of hatred.
                                                 tried to ignore her growing  seen my country before it was occupied.
                                                 smoke-blue uni  form coat and  length of time. But if you could have  Operations Office. He nodded when
                                                        “We’ll be boarding the plane in fifteen  checked Paul.”
                                                is taking too long. The hunters are not  catch him but I hope I don’t see it.”  his eyes met hers. Carol wondered how
                                                               Carol was ashamed to answer that
                                               terminal she thought that the gaily-
                                               Cuneasiness. As she glanced  This room was always full of gaiety.  much longer it would be before her heart
                                                long have you been flying, stew  ardess?”  min  utes,” Carol answered reassuringly.
                                                               she’d not thought of the purser on the
                                                pleased.” He turned to Carol, “How  last visit twenty relatives came to see  of him, before she stopped being so aware   |  4
                                               around the wait  ing-room of the air  When I returned to America from my  stopped racing painfully at every glimpse
                                                        “Excuse me. I must see the Captain.”
                                               the grim  -faced policemen who passed in
                                               dressed peasant dolls in the showcases  me off. This time no one dared come.  of his splendid tallness in the dark uni-
                                                 “Three years,” Carol answered.  one’s American con  nections.”
                                               front of them. The handful of boarding
                                               made an incongruous background for  It isn’t wise to make a public display of  form. She reminded herself sternly that
                                                              it was time she regarded him as just
                                               of hatred.   Carol lowered her voice. “There are  another Captain and not as the man she
                                               passengers, watching the policemen,  so many more policemen today than  had loved so dearly.
                                               were standing together, their eyes full  usual. Do you know why?”
                                                              She spoke to him, her gray eyes
                                               As she walked toward them, one of  escaped,” he whispered. “He was spotted  Captain?”
                                                      “A member of the underground has  veiled, non  committal. “You wanted me,
                                               the pas  sengers was saying: “The chase  near here an hour ago. They’ll surely
                                              is taking too long. The hunters are not  catch him but I hope I don’t see it.”
                                              pleased.” He turned to Carol, “How
                                                              Tom’s tone was as businesslike as
                                                             her own. “I was wondering if you’ve
                                                      “We’ll be boarding the plane in fifteen  checked Paul.”
                                               “Three years,” Carol answered.
                                              long have you been flying, stew  ardess?”  min  utes,” Carol answered reassuringly.
                                                      “Excuse me. I must see the Captain.”
                                                             Carol was ashamed to answer that
                                                             she’d not thought of the purser on the
                                                                    |  4
         Remembering an
                  inspiring friend
                  A tribute to Mary Higgins Clark—renowned
                  author and generous philanthropist
        I         N HER FICTION, Mary Hig-     rying Warren Clark, becoming   said. She nervously opened the
                  gins Clark taught us to wonder
                                                                           envelope and saw that Catholic
                                               a flight attendant for Pan Am
                                                                           Extension wanted to publish
                                               and raising a family.
                  about the great mystery, always
                                                 She routinely sent out sto-
                                                                           her story for $100.
                  around the corner. In life, she
                                               ries to be published but re-
                                                                             “I have received some pretty
                  imparted the beauty of gen-
                  erosity—that to give the gift of
                  faith is to give hope, strength
                                               young mother, who longed to
                                                                           but no one, nothing, was ever
                                                                           like that first letter and check. I
                                               become a professional writer,
                  and eternal light. Catholic Ex-  ceived only rejection slips. As a   decent checks over the years,
                  tension mourns her passing in   she sent a story to Extension   was finally a published writer!
                  January.                     magazine and her big break fi-  It meant so much to me,” she
                                               nally came. “One day, while the   later recalled. Her short story,
                  FIRST PUBLISHED STORY        children were in school and   “Last Flight from Danubia,” ap-
                    At an early age, Mary was a   the baby was asleep, I picked   peared in Extension magazine
                  natural storyteller and liked to   up the mail and found a blue   in March 1958.
                  write, but she learned during   envelope with dark red print
                  her teens that finding an out-  that said Extension magazine. I   STORIES OF TRANSFORMATION
                  let to publish her work was   thought, ‘It is totally impossible   Mary understood that the
                  no easy task. As she kept her   that I have finally sold my first   essence of every great story
                  writing dream alive, she pur-  story. They probably want me   is transformation. Someone
                  sued the rest of her life: mar-  to take a subscription,’” she   changes. With new insights,
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