Page 5 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 5

Extension | Spring 2020  5

         J        ust as we were about   vibrant, courageous communi-  LITANY OF PRAYER
          Dear Friends,
                                         ties is barely making it. Because
                                                                       9:00 a.m. • Prayer for those infect-
                                         of the lack of day-to-day funds
                                                                       ed with the virus and all who are ill
                to go to print with our
                                         for operations—the result of our
                                                                       Lord, place your healing hand on those
                                         necessitated national shutdown
                spring edition of Extension
                                                                       who suffer illness. Bring them to full
                magazine, with articles
                                         of social gatherings including
                                                                       health and ease their anxious hearts.
                                         weekly Sunday liturgy—they are
                written and layout com-
                                                                       May our prayer and the intercession
                plete, the world turned
                                         all struggling for survival. You
                                                                       of the Blessed Virgin Mary encourage
                upside down. For the last
                few weeks, all of us have
                                         the parishes we support have
                                                                       this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN
                                         an average Sunday income of
                found ourselves living in
                                                                       12:00 p.m. • Prayer for health care
                                         scarcely $300!
                the frightening reality of   may not know this, but most of   them that they are not alone. We ask
                global pandemic. Even as I   Catholic Extension and you,   workers and those attending to
          am writing this new letter to you,   our treasured donors, are their   the sick
          it is weeks away from when you   only lifeline. There is no group of   Lord, we are ennobled by those who
          will be reading it.            philanthropic donors nearby to   put their lives at risk in caring for the
            In this terribly unsettling time,   them or in a neighboring parish   sick. Keep them safe and embolden
          I want you to know that I am   to come to their aid. They are   them when they are weary. We ask this
          holding each of you and your   totally isolated except for the   in Jesus’ Name. AMEN
          families in my heartfelt prayers   bond of solidarity that you have   3:00 p.m. • Prayer for first respond-
          for your health, safety and well-  created with them through Cath-  ers and essential workers
          being.  And I’m also asking    olic Extension.               Lord, we pray for those who run to
          you to join me in prayer for our   Their stories of hope urgently   danger to keep us safe and those who
          brothers and sisters in Exten-  need your generosity and also in   serve the common good. Embrace
          sion Dioceses, living under siege   the months ahead. I am asking   them with your mantle of protection
          in the most under-resourced    each one of you in this Easter   and comfort the fears of their families.
          regions of our country.        moment of hope and Christ’s   We ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN
            As you read our magazine, you   promise of new life to please
          will obviously notice that there   contribute to our new fund at   6:00 p.m. • Prayer for people of
          is no mention of COVID-19. Yet  every nation and their leaders
          the articles do address something   May I close by offering another   Lord, the pandemic opens our eyes to
          that we all need to hear right   way of expressing our solidarity   see each other as brothers and sisters
          now as we are challenged by the   with one another. Cardinal Blase   in one human family. We pray for peo-
                                                                       ple of every nation and their leaders,
          spread of the virus. Every story   Cupich, the chancellor of Cath-  asking that they be inspired to seek
          you will read is a story of hope,   olic Extension, has written this   the good of all and quell the voices of
          inviting us to deepen our sense   Litany of Prayer for us during this   division. We ask this in Jesus’ Name.
          of solidarity with one another   perilous time. I invite us all to   AMEN
          even as we are called to practice   pray this in common with one
          physical self-distancing.      another until the pandemic ends.    9:00 p.m. • Prayer for those who
            I genuinely hope that you      Easter blessings to you!    have died today
          realize how much your personal                               Lord, we grieve the passing of our
          generosity and your profound     Yours in Christ,            sisters and brothers who have died this
          act of solidarity with these good                            day. We commend them to your tender
          people in our Extension Dioceses                             mercy, confident that nothing, not even
          have made possible these inspi-                              death, will separate us from your love.
          rational stories in our magazine.   Rev. John J. Wall        We ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN
            Nevertheless, right at this   PRESIDENT,
          moment, each one of these      CATHOLIC EXTENSION
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