Page 15 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 15

Extension | Spring 2020  15

                                                                                   In its earliest days, Catholic
                                                                                   Extension used chapel
                                                                                   rail cars to bring the
                                                                                   presence of the Church to
                                                                                   isolated Catholics out West.

                                        sion soon began constructing hun-  olics in our country’s most forgot-
                                        dreds of churches. Within a few   ten corners.
                                        years, it had helped build roughly   While our methods continu-
                                        half of the Catholic churches in   ously evolve to meet the demands
                                        this country at that time. Many   of the times, Catholic Exten-
                                        of these churches remain vibrant   sion’s mission remains as alive and
                                        centers of faith communities and   important as ever. It has supported
                                        proudly display a Catholic Exten-  the Church not only with bricks
                                        sion plaque on their walls signify-  and mortar but by funding leaders,
                                        ing our role in their establishment.   supporting diverse ministries and
                                          Because of Catholic Extension’s   engaging young people.
                                        crucial work in frontier America, it   There remains much work to
                                        was designated as a papal society   be done. Many rural counties in
                                        by Pope Pius X in 1910. Even today,   America still have no Catholic
                                        Catholic Extension maintains its   church, and many parishes do not
                                        close connection to the Vatican   have resident priests. Women reli-
                                        and our president is appointed by   gious and laypeople are helping to
                                        the Pope.                       build up faith communities every-
                                          From the start, Catholic Exten-  where, but they need our assis-
                                        sion has funded dioceses who    tance in their tireless efforts.
                                        lack economic resources to sus-   The faith life of every Catholic—
                                        tain their parishes, which we call   those who extend help and those
                                        “Extension Dioceses.” Currently,   who receive help—is profoundly
                                        we fund 87 dioceses in the U.S. and   enriched as we come together,
                                        its territories.                one faith community at a time, to
                                                                        ensure the fullest possible pres-
                                        Steadfast but evolving          ence of the Church everywhere in
                                          Catholic Extension has always   the United States.
                                        listened deeply to the needs of   In Father Kelley’s ability to
        Founder Father Francis Clement Kelley,
        aboard  a chapel rail car.      Catholics in dire situations—both   awaken the missionary spirit, to
                                        their humanitarian and spiritual   imagine the possibilities for a
        to people who otherwise had little   needs—and responded in innova-  transformative faith community
        access to the Church.           tive ways, tailoring our support to   in every corner of our land and
          With increasing demand, Father   the special circumstances of each   to establish Catholic Extension,
        Kelley started sending funds to   faith community and connect-  he showed us how we grow our
        these faith communities to build   ing them to the larger Church. In   faith by extending ourselves to fel-
        small churches. Collecting dona-  partnerships that give birth to cre-  low Catholics. His robust thinking
        tions from Catholics in more estab-  ative ideas that bring vibrancy and   and compassionate leadership still
        lished parishes—typically in the   hope, together, we are changing   inspire and guide us today.
        East and Midwest—Catholic Exten-  the trajectories of the lives of Cath-
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