Page 13 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 13

Extension | Spring 2020  13

        EARTHQUAKE              NEW SHELTER             SISTER LUZ              SOLAR PANELS
        PUERTO RICO             NOGALES, SONORA         IN MEMORIAM             MONTANA

        Following the devastat-  For 10 years, Kino     We are saddened to report   In time for honor Earth Day,
        ing earthquakes in Puer-  Border Initiative, a   that Sister Luz María   Resurrection Church, a par-
        to Rico in January, Catho-  migrant ministry on the   Velázquez Araujo, of the   ish in Bozeman that serves
        lic Extension set up a fund   U.S.-Mexico border, has   Eucharistic Evangelizing   Montana State University,
        to extend pastoral care   provided humanitarian   Sisters of the Poor,  part of   installed solar panels on its
        to those impacted. “We   assistance to more than   our U.S.-Latin American   roof. The project was man-
        stand in solidarity once   75,000 immigrants using   Sisters Exchange Program,   aged by its Creation Care
        again on the front lines of-  makeshift facilities. With   recently passed away.   Team, a ministry inspired
        fering our support and   support from our Parish   “Luz” means “light,” and   by Pope Francis’ encyclical
        comfort to those enduring   Partnership program—  she truly lived up to her   Laudato si’, which calls
        the terror and destruction   and donations from Holy   name—bringing compas-  Catholics to live out their
        of these earthquakes,” said   Family Parish in Inverness,   sion and joy to those she   faith by stewarding our
        Father Jack Wall. Pictured is   Illinois—KBI just opened   served in the Diocese of   planet through renew-
        Father Melvin Díaz Aponte,   a new Migrant Outreach   San Bernardino, Califor-  able energy. Catholic
        pastor of Immaculate Con-  Center, a 19,000-square-  nia. Despite her cancer   Extension funded the solar
        ception Church in Guaya-  foot facility to better serve   diagnosis, she worked   panels and has supported
        nilla. Visit catholicexten-  these immigrants with   tirelessly to bring comfort   campus ministry at the    dignity.                and solace to others.    parish since 1995.

        I    n February, we honored                                     through his example how to
                                                                        to students, showing them
             the life and legacy of Fa-
                                                                        lead a life of integrity, vital-
             ther “T.J.” Martinez, S.J.,
                                                                        ity and service. “We celebrate
             who received our Spirit
        of Francis Award in Houston,                                    Father Martinez’s immense
                                                                        dedication to Catholic educa-
        Texas, for his commitment to                                    tion and his deep compassion
        transforming the lives of eco-                                  for others,” said Father Jack
        nomically disadvantaged young people. As        Wall. Father Martinez was just five years into
        founder of Cristo Rey Jesuit College Prep of    his tenure as president of the school when he
        Houston, he brought opportunity and hope        died of cancer at age 44.

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