Page 14 - Catholic Extension Magazine Spring 2020
P. 14



           Catholic Extension
          reaches a milestone
             by staying true

               to its mission

                   or 115 years, Catholic
                   Extension has been
                   capturing the hearts
                   and minds of Catho-
                   lics throughout Amer-
       Fica by build-
        ing up transformative faith
        communities in the fur-                  St. Bernard rectory in Ellsworth, Kansas, was the ramshackle building that
        thest reaches of our Church.             motivated Father Kelley to write “Little Shanty Story” about the desperate straits of
           With the generous support of          Catholics in rural America that inspired the founding of Catholic Extension.
        loyal donors, Catholic Extension
        brings the presence of the Church
        to thousands of Catholics in mar-   115 years of building up
        ginalized areas and helps them
        overcome their hardships and forge   the Church in America
        a better life.
          Remarkably, the mission of
        Catholic Extension is as relevant   he kept his own parish afloat, he   his story and started sending dona-
        now as when it first came to be   made a discovery about the larger   tions to help. In 1905, assisted by
        more than a century ago—when    Church in the United States. In   Archbishop James Quigley in Chi-
        America’s society and landscape   traveling out West, he found many   cago, Father Kelley set up Catho-
        were quite different than they are   Catholics who had no parish. They   lic Church Extension Society (now
        today.                          lived hours away from the closest   Catholic Extension). Its objec-
          From the beginning, frontier   churches and struggled to practice   tive was to bring the presence of
        faith communities have been very   their faith. In these isolated areas,   the Church to these poorest areas
        exciting places, filled with poten-  Catholics needed help.     where Catholics had so little access
        tial. They are communities of     Father Kelley set his sights on   to the sacraments and so much
        growth, possibility and transforma-  awakening the missionary spirit   potential to grow in their faith.
        tion. They are hot spots of creativ-  across the U.S.  He knew that
        ity and with our help, resourceful-  building up faith communities in   A missionary role
        ness. Together we are leading our   the peripheries would strengthen   As the first step, Father Kelley
        Church and our entire country in   the Church in America and change   created a trio of mobile chapels—
        new directions.                 the fabric of this country.     train cars fashioned into chapels,
                                          Father Kelley articulated his   complete with altars, pews and
        Seeing the need                 vision in a stirring essay called   confessionals. They traveled west-
          Catholic Extension was born   “Little Shanty Story” about the   ward with a priest aboard, stopping
        out of the genius of Father Fran-  ramshackle rectory of a priest in   in town after town, offering Mass,
        cis Clement Kelley, a young pas-  Ellsworth, Kansas, and the deplor-  baptisms, weddings and funer-
        tor serving a poor parish in Lap-  able conditions he faced. Catho-  als. It was Catholic Extension’s first
        eer, Michigan in the early 1900s. As   lics near and far were moved by   experience of bringing the Church
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