Page 61 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 61
Faithfulness to Our Identity 68. I know God will never allow the spare Patrick Crusius from execution.
hate that visited our community on Justice is certainly required. But the
67. I would like to thank our priests August 3rd to have the last word. cycle of hate, blood and vengeance
who showed tenderness in minister- We must recommit ourselves to the on the border must meet its end.
ing to the dead and wounded on Au- hospitality and compassion that char- While the scales of justice may
gust 3rd. Some arrived to the scene acterized our community long before seem to tilt in favor of the necessity
before it was even secure. I thank the we were attacked, with all the risk and of lethal retribution, God offers us
courageous first responders. I thank vulnerability which that entails. We yet another chance to choose life.
the leaders of the interfaith commu- must continue to show the rest of the Choose in a manner worthy of your
nity who organized prayer and vigils country that love is capable of mend- humanity.
and a space for our people to expose ing every wound. What can they do
their pain to the healing power of but threaten us with Resurrection? 71. In the absence of immigration
grace. I am grateful to the commu- reform, I also renew my appeal to
nity organizations that organized 69. If there is anyone who feels so the President of the United States, to
financial support and provided legal alone, so isolated and so tortured the Members of Congress and to the
assistance. I thank our NGOs and that you feel your only way out is to jurists of our highest Courts. I beg
public leaders who have deepened succumb to the darkness of racism you to listen to the voice of con-
their work for justice. I thank the and violence and pick up a gun, I say science and halt the deportation of
churches and organizations which re- to you today: there is a place for you all those who are not a danger to our
fused to give into fear and continued in our community and our church. communities, to stop the separation
to receive migrants. I thank the jour- Lay aside your weapons of hate. of families, and to end once and for
nalists who continue to work tirelessly Put away your fear. Here there is a all the turning back of refugees and
to witness to what is occurring at the teacher, a sister, a deacon, a priest, death at the border.
border with compassion and truthful- a counselor ... a bishop, waiting to
ness. I thank our teachers and thera- welcome you home and greet you
pists and doctors for accompanying with love. Tú vales.
us on the road to healing. I thank our
people for their resilient spirit. I thank 70. I also make a direct appeal to
God for His constant presence and my brothers and sisters in Texas and
faithfulness to us. those in positions of authority to
Given this day, the 13th of October, the XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
and the vigil of Indigenous People’s Day, in the year of our Lord 2019.
Your servant in Christ,
+ Mark Joseph Seitz
Bishop of El Paso