Page 53 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 53

This letter is an attempt to comple-  7. This may be hard. I know it will be   8. Perhaps we thought that preju-
      ment those efforts and to reflect on   difficult at times for me. Words like   dice and intolerance were a cancer
      these issues from the perspective of   racism and white supremacy make   of years past. Maybe we felt that El
      the border.                       us uncomfortable and anxious and   Paso was immune from the xeno-
                                        I don’t use these labels lightly. We   phobia ravaging the United States.
      6. In the first part of this letter, I hope   live in a brutally unforgiving culture   On August 3rd, we were robbed of
      to bear some of the weight of the   where these words are tossed about   that innocence. But do not be afraid.
      reality of racism that has been part   like weapons. But perhaps we are   The Lord Jesus can lead us through
      of the experience of many here on   also aware that these conversations   this dark moment into something
      our border. In the second part, we   may require changes to the we think   bright and unexpected. For even if a
      will shoulder this reality in the light   and live. Challenging racism and   whole army of hate should threaten
      of the life, death and Resurrection of   white supremacy, whether in our   us, if we are faithful to Jesus and hold
      Jesus. Finally, we will ask how grace   hearts or in society, is a Christian   on to love, in the words of the poet
      can heal the shared wounds of our   imperative and the cost of not facing   Julia Esquivel, what can they do but
      borderland community and transform   these issues head on, weighs much   threaten us with Resurrection?
      the awful events of this summer into   more heavily on those who live the
      something meaningful.             reality of discrimination.

      PART I
      This is Racism

                          Do not stay far from me, for trouble is near, and there is no one to help.
                                                  Psalm 22, 12

      9. How do we begin to understand   country surely also play a role.  to ‘white’ people than to people
      the El Paso matanza? How should                                    of color. This is a perverse way of
      we think about racism and white   11. But the mystery of evil motivating   thinking that divides people based
      supremacy?                        attacks like the El Paso matanza goes   on heritage and tone of skin into ‘us’
                                        deeper than these. It is something   and ‘them’, ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy’,
      10. The never-ending mass shootings   more complex than laws and policies   paving the way to dehumanization.
      leave us feeling dazed, wounded,   alone can fix. What else explains the
      fearful and helpless. Causes and   perversity of attacks on African Amer-  In other words, racism.
      solutions seem evasive and our    icans, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and other
      nation’s political life is broken. The   communities?              13. Racism can make a home in our
      Catholic Church in the United States                               hearts, distort our imagination and
      supports the ban on assault weapons   12. This mystery of evil also includes   will, and express itself in individual
      that lawmakers senselessly let expire   the base belief that some of us are   actions of hatred and discrimination.
      in 2004 and our Church continues to   more important, deserving and   Racism is one’s failure to give others
      advocate for reasonable regulations   worthy than others. It includes the   the respect they are due on account
      on firearms that Congress still won’t   ugly conviction that this country and   of being created in the image and
      pass. The constant pressures on   its history and opportunities and re-  likeness of God. And it is more
      families and the embarrassing lack   sources as well as our economic and   than that.
      of access to mental healthcare in this   political life belong more properly
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