Page 5 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 5

Extension | Winter 2019  5

           I         f there is an espe-  as Catholic Extension break   rational ways. Together they
            Dear Friends,
                                                                   represent the story of who
                                       through barriers, bringing
                                       good people together in faith
                                                                   we are as Catholics and our
                     cially fitting time
                                                                   mission to spread the Light of
                                       to become a light of hope, that
                                                                   Christ throughout America.
                     for Catholic Exten-
                                       we can be one because we are
                     sion to present
                                       one in God’s love. At our core,
                                                                     Our Lumen Christi recip-
                                       we are relational, and we are
                                                                   ient, Mack McCarter of
                     our annual Lumen
                     Christi Award it is
                                                                   Shreveport, Louisiana, gives
                                       at our truest when we work
                     certainly now at
                                       and connects us.
                                                                   caring people can day by day
                     the end of the cal-
                                         We are delighted to intro-
                     endar year when
                                                                   profoundly transform a com-
            daylight diminishes, and dark-  for what brings us together   us an amazing model of how
                                                                   munity. In the last 25 years, he
                                       duce you to remarkable
            ness dominates the sky. We   individuals who are genuine   has brought to light the power
            especially need the enduring   connectors. In energizing and   of relationships and inspired
            power of the Light of Christ   creative ways, their faith is   unimaginable changes in very
            among us now in our country   inspiring them to bring the   poor and tough neighbor-
            when another dark force —   beauty and the joy of the   hoods. With a deep convic-
            divisiveness — is spreading   Gospel to others.        tion that God is up to some-
            rancor and hatred among us   Their ministries truly    thing important in our lives,
            as a nation and even within   transform the life trajecto-  he unites people, spreads
            the Church.                ries of everyone they serve   an infectious positivity and
              If the mission of Catholic   —breaking the cycles of   invites all of us to share in this
            Extension means anything,   poverty, providing places of   joyful connectedness.
            it is to push back the powers   safe harbor and recognizing   The Lumen Christi Award
            of darkness by strengthening   the sacredness and dignity   gives us an opportunity to
            our sense of solidarity with   of all whom they encounter.   take a closer look at what
            one another, and to give   Where there are cries for help   can happen when the people
            effective expression to our   in America, where there is   of faith with whom you are
            deepest truth—we belong    a need, they have answered   walking in solidarity are
            to each other because we   the call. To each person they   given a helping hand and the
            belong to God. We have no   meet, they communicate,    needed resources to make a
            other identity separate from   “You matter. Your life and tal-  difference.
            this truth, and we as Catholic   ents and gifts matter.”  I am thinking of each of
            Extension live our deepest   These individuals are this   you in this time of Advent
            truth when we choose to    year’s Lumen Christi Award   Light, and my prayer for you
            incarnate the love that God   finalists and recipient. They   is that we may be renewed
            has for us by becoming     are caring missioners who are   and emboldened in our faith
            God’s life-giving love to one   shining examples of Catholic   and in our commitment to be
            another. Catholic Extension is   Extension’s mission. They are   present to all whom we love
            a unique expression of what   leading vibrant and transfor-  and to all who need us.
            it means to live this truth of   mative faith communities   God bless,
            our faith at its deepest level   with compassion and courage.
            with our brothers and sisters   They are the unsung heroes
            in the poorest regions of our   whose contributions, large
            country.                   and small, are changing the   Rev. John J. Wall
              In my 11 years as president,   fabric of our church and   PRESIDENT, CATHOLIC EXTENSION
            I have seen how you and I   country in positive and aspi-
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