The Vatican responded to letters that children in Uvalde, Texas, wrote to Pope Francis after the May 2022 shooting at Robb Elementary School that killed 19 fourth graders and two teachers. The letters were personally delivered to the Holy Father by our chancellor, Cardinal Blase Cupich.
The letters were written by students at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Uvalde, many of whom transferred to Sacred Heart through scholarships provided by Catholic Extension Society, which facilitated the letter-writing project. Among those who penned letters to the pope are students who were shot and survived, as well as students who lost family and friends during the massacre on May 24, 2022.

“Your Holiness, I feel safe and loved”
The letters showcase, in the children’s own words, the heartbreak and trauma they have endured—but also the hope that they still have.
One letter-writer, Noah, was shot and is recovering. He received one of Catholic Extension Society’s scholarships to attend Sacred Heart and, told the pope he now feels “safe and loved” in his new school.

Madison asked Pope Francis to pray for her cousin who was shot.

Kaylyn, a second grader, asked Pope Francis to pray for her friend who was killed in the shooting:

Fourth grader Levi, who also attended Robb Elementary, told Pope Francis that he had bad dreams after the shooting, ending his letter, “please pray for me and my class.”

Flor, a fourth grader, was in Robb Elementary during the shooting. She is happy to be in her new school.

7-year-old Vianey asked for the Pope’s advice on how to create a safer world.

Pope Francis’ biggest fan
As part of their religious education curriculum, the school librarian, Sister Maria Luisa Aldape, STJ, often reads to the children of Sacred Heart School the 2016 book “Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World,” and was moved to invite her own students to write to the Holy Father.

In her own letter to pope, she wrote that “some [children] bear the scars on their flesh and all in their hearts.”

In response, the Holy Father has pledged his prayers for these children, their families and all those harmed by the violence in Uvalde. See below the response from the Vatican, written to Father Jack Wall, president of Catholic Extension Society:

Flip through the book below to see more letters:
Catholic Extension Society continues to work with Catholic leaders in Uvalde to respond to the needs of this devastated community, including ongoing mental health services and scholarships at Sacred Heart School.

We are grateful to everyone who has donated to help the children and families of this community. Please donate here to help us support healing in Uvalde.