Ukrainian Catholic nun shares update and message of gratitude from Ukraine

Sister thanks Catholic Extension Society donors for helping Ukrainian Catholic Church provide humanitarian aid amid war devastation

Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, Catholic Extension Society responded to an urgent request from the Ukrainian Catholic Church based in the U.S. to help them send aid to their besieged brothers and sisters suffering from the devastating war.

Our donors heard their plea, and generously responded with donations that allowed the Catholic Church in Ukraine to immediately respond to the most vulnerable, including displaced families and children.

These gifts empowered Catholic leaders on the frontlines like Sister Teodora Shulak, provincial superior of the Mission Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer, to rush necessities like medicine, food, generators and clothing in the northern city of Chernihiv in Ukraine.

Sister Shulak sent us this video expressing her deep gratitude for our donors’ solidarity in prayer and financial assistance.

She shared that more than 3,700 buildings, from churches to homes, crumbled in a span of 40 days straight.

Still standing amid the ruins is the community’s monastery, and Sister Shulak is thankful this vital fixture of worship and healing can still be called ‘home.’

The Mission Sisters have joined the Redemptorist Fathers at their monastery in collective leadership as they strive to rebuild the community.

We are trying to help people, children, youth in different ways just to find a new hope for life.”

Catholic Extension Society has supported the Ukrainian Church in the U.S. since 1979. Thank you for your solidarity.

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