Oklahoma State University students call each other by name
We arrived at St John the Evangelist University Parish and Newman Center, at Oklahoma State University, at 8 a.m. OSU has had a relationship with Catholic Extension Society since 1977 and this coming January, the OSU Campus Ministry will receive more funding from Catholic Extension Society.
Our plan was to meet with Father Stuart Crevcoure and some of the college students who are active in campus ministry at OSU. I had my doubts as to how many students would show up for an 8 a.m. meeting! Yet when we arrived, there were 15 college students whose presence was a witness to how important their Catholic faith is to them.
The Newman Center sponsors a large number of weekly opportunities for faith sharing and fellowship. And each Sunday, a couple hundred students join together for Mass and dinner—a number that grows during the school year! Many of the students who come aren’t even Catholic, but have been invited by friends.
In fact, each of the students that we spoke with expressed this same thing—they were all introduced to campus ministry because someone invited them. To be invited—called by name—is crucial for young adults. It starts with making a friend, and then inviting that friend to come share in your faith. That was the model Jesus gave us, and these students are still following it.

Many people talk about the young people being the future of our Church. But in reality, they are the Church. Right here, right now. At Catholic Extension Society, we’re doing what we can to help support dynamic young adults like these students at OSU, so that they can grow in their faith during college and transition into faith-filled Catholic adults.
Show your support for campus ministries, like the St. John the Evangelist Newman Center, that nurture the faith of our Catholic young adults.
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