
To enable the church to reach more people and promote the transformation of lives, hearts and society through various pastoral and social ministries.


Catholic Extension Society supports the church’s pastoral and social outreach ministries. Whereas “Building Foundation,” is intended to support the operation of the church’s basic pastoral and administrative presence in a diocese, the “Enhancing Pastoral and Social Ministry” program is intended to support some of the more specific and strategic elements of the church’s ministerial efforts.

Qualifying Funding Areas

Catholic Extension Society will consider funding initiatives that help establish, expand or enhance pastoral and social outreach ministries, including:

  • Support for the purchase and upkeep of catechetical resources, including Bibles
  • Support for marriage and family ministries
  • Support for Catholic radio and television programs that serve as effective tools for evangelization/outreach 
  • Programmatic funding to promote or improve liturgical ministries and church life for Catholics
  • Funding to create or extend social outreach ministries, such as ministries that help the homeless, immigrants, or the incarcerated (does not include subsidizing the operations of Catholic Charities, diocesan social services or Catholic hospitals)
  • Support after disasters – providing minor support* to help Catholic communities restore disrupted ecclesial services and continue practicing the faith in the wake of disasters (See “Building Churches” for funding provided in the wake of disasters.)

*Catholic Extension Society does not serve as a first responder in the wake of disasters.

Funding Request Document Requirements

  • Begin A New Online Funding Request
  • Letter of endorsement from the diocesan bishop (one letter is sufficient for simultaneously submitted requests, but a copy of that letter should be attached to each request)
  • Financial statements of the program, department, or entity seeking funding
  • Budget for the funding year with a full breakdown of project expenses and revenue
  • Product or program information, (i.e. brochure), if applicable

To access a draft version of the Enhancing Pastoral and Social Ministry funding application form, please click here. Please note that this cannot be submitted in place of the online funding request. This document is only meant to serve as a guide for the information needed, but the official funding request must still be submitted online using the link provided above in order to be considered for funding.