M.Div. Scholarships at Mundelein Seminary

Building on the past success of partnering with Mundelein Seminary, Catholic Extension Society is offering a second partnership opportunity that will subsidize the education of men coming to Mundelein from Extension Dioceses.

Catholic Extension Society is offering a matching discount, whereby each scholarship recipient will receive a $7,500 tuition contribution from Extension, and a $7,500 tuition discount from Mundelein, for a total of $15,000 per student, per year. Eligible seminarians will come from a Extension Diocese currently served by Catholic Extension Society. This $60,000 scholarship would cover almost 25% of the current tuition, room and board, and fees of the student’s seminary education. Candidates for this program are men entering first year theology in 2025. All candidates must be accepted by Mundelein Seminary.

This partnership will have various benefits to mission dioceses, including:

  • Providing budget relief to cash-strapped dioceses, for whom seminarian education represents a significant portion of their annual expenses.
  • Giving dioceses sending a single seminarian to the STL program at Mundelein the option of sending a “diocesan brother” seminarian to Mundelein at a reduced cost.

Duration: 4 years
Value to Participating Dioceses: $60,000 per seminarian


To Apply:

  1. Read and review the Scholarship Information and Instructions to Apply documents linked above.
  2. Email a Letter of Interest from your Bishop to Shea Gilliland by February 21, 2025.

For More Information

Contact Shea Gilliland, Director of Mission, sgilliland@catholicextension.org.