Catholic Extension Society, in conjunction with The Southeast Pastoral Institute (SEPI), offers Latino young adults who have completed diocesan formation and are looking for subsequent opportunities to learn and serve, a unique theological education and mission experience. The program is national in scope and crosses geographic and socio-economic borders with participants from diverse backgrounds. It will expose them to diverse pastoral and socio-economic realities such as migrant workers and social justice initiatives, which will help deepen their learning experience by allowing the concepts and theories they learn in the classroom to come alive in their experiences.
The program seeks to create pathways for emerging Latino leaders to discover more about their faith, society, culture, and to discern how they are being called to build a stronger Church and world. Our goal is to cultivate talented, generous, well-rounded, and compassionate Latino/a faith leaders who will go on to apply their learnings to ministry and service in their churches and communities.

Program Summary: The hybrid program comprises an online course and an in-person mission experience, bringing together a cohort of like-minded young adults from Extension dioceses who will join other young leaders from the southeast region to share their experiences, learn from each other, and build community. The course includes prayer, theological and pastoral lectures with an emphasis on practical ways of implementing the knowledge in their own communities.
After the online course completion, students attend a five-day supervised hands-on experience where they will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge, have a missionary experience, and be exposed to realities beyond their own. This experience will help them to identify the struggles and realities that unite all people, embrace memories, transform the present, and build bridges to help make a positive impact in the overall church. The experiences are meant to broaden their horizons and open their eyes to various pastoral, social, and economic realities.
Program Structure
- Formation: Students are required to take the online course, “Pastoral Juvenil Hispana,” offered by the Southeast Pastoral Institute in Spanish with bilingual dialogue (English/Spanish). The class will take place weekly, via Zoom, on Wednesdays, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Central Time.
- Mission Immersion Experience: After the online course, students will travel to a 5-day formation, missionary immersion and multi-cultural experience, and a digital arts – Catholic Extension bootcamp, in Birmingham, AL.
- Dates: Coming soon.
- Pastoral project: After the formation and mission immersion experience, every student will present a pastoral plan for a ministry project, which they will complete within a year of their participation in the program.
- Post-Event Reunion and Reflection: Final reunion via Zoom for post-program reflection and project presentations in June 2025.
Who is Eligible?
Any mission diocese agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of the Initiative and submitting nominations for qualified, well-formed young people may apply. Selected candidates should possess the following profile:
- Young adult Latinos from ages 21 – 35 who have completed a formation program, are connected to their parish, considering getting more deeply involved in a vocation of service, or pursuing theological studies.
- Students must be Bilingual (English/Spanish)
- Work with the Hispanic community
- Dreamers (DACA) are encouraged to participate
- Students must be able to travel, dates coming soon.
To Apply:
Applications opening soon.
Complete the Online Application Form (one application required per student, to be submitted by the diocese, not the student) by the deadline. The following items must be attached to the application:
- Official Letter of Endorsement from Bishop
- Safe Environment Training Education Certificate
- Completed Travel Profile Form
- Signed Partnership Agreement by all parties (Student, Diocesan rep., Supervisor/Mentor)
- Signed Attestation Form (Bishop)
Participant Testimonials:
- “After I finished the program, I was back in Texas volunteering days later. It was such a unique and empowering experience. I felt in the zone, like I wanted to live those moments every day. Being able to learn not only how to make change, but to act and affect change. What really touched me was that it was taught through spirituality. It was big, it was eye-opening.”
- “The people made an impact on me. My professors, the people that I was able to encounter in the immersions; the young adult leaders, the youth in Jackson, Mississippi. Every single encounter was fruitful. I saw how young adults serve so wholeheartedly – they have that hope. Through the classes, I learned the importance of learning oneself, in Christ, but also in culture. It brought me back to my roots of service. And I went back to church, ready to serve as a catechist.”
- “En este programa me sentí libre de probar nuevas estrategias y dinámicas. Ver las reacciones de los niños y los ancianos fue muy impactante. Ahora, siento que puedo regresar a mi parroquia con más seguridad, nuevas estrategias para mantenerlos conectados a la fe.”
- “I don’t have a capacity to do a year-long commitment because of school and my career, so this was a great intense experience. It was great to see other people from different backgrounds. I had an opportunity to grow and push myself to a different level of hard work that I hadn’t done before. Made me realize that I’m somebody that CAN do something. I have a voice. I need to use it for those that can’t speak. One thing I am bringing back to my ministry is wanting to work with DACA students.”
For More Information, Contact:
Veronica Avila, Director of Mission Programs, at (312) 795-5128 or vavila@catholicextension.org.
Odette Barrientos, Senior Manager of Mission Programs, at (312) 795-6082 or obarrientos@catholicextension.org.