What Is iTHIRST? For Whom Is This Ministry Designed?
The iTHIRST Initiative is a certification-based addiction and recovery ministry of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinity Missions), taught by iThirst Executive Director Keaton Douglas, MA, author of “The Road to Hope: Responding to the Crisis of Addiction?”

This Fall 2024, we are offering the program course in Spanish! {Haga clic aquí para ver esta página en Español}
This program is a parish and community-based addiction/recovery initiative designed for clergy, religious, and laity interested in accompaniment ministry and healing. Such individuals recognize the devastation and scourge addiction has on families and communities, which sadly has been exacerbated due to the isolation brought on by the opioid epidemic and COVID pandemic.

Additionally, this faith-based companionship model aligns with those engaged in Fellowships of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, or other ministries such as Bereavement, Stephen Ministry, and Prison, Re-entry, and Respect Life ministries. Ultimately, the iTHIRST initiative offers useful knowledge and tools for anyone with a strong affinity for recognizing the face of Christ in the suffering and marginalized.
What Content & Qualification Does iTHIRST Provide?
As part of the iTHIRST Initiative’s “Education and Prevention” pillar, its Spiritual Companionship Training offers 48 hours of comprehensive, academically certified, faith-based formation. Those completing this training receive Spiritual Companionship certification and are qualified to assist individuals suffering from addictions and their families.
Program participants will:
- Study the spiritual dimension of the disease of addiction, including its devastating physiological and psychological effects.
- Learn pastoral care strategies appropriate for this population and motivational interviewing and listening techniques.
- Receive Spiritual Companion Certification through Seton Hall University in New Jersey along with an official iThirst companion card to promote their service to their community
- Receive 4.8 Continuing Education Units.
- Understand how to effectively work with those suffering from addictions and their families.
- Know how to assist their pastors in establishing a parish recovery ministry.
How Will Training Be offered?
The Spiritual Companionship training can be offered to dioceses and parishes virtually.
- This course will span eight weeks, with classes held via Zoom twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday evenings:
- 7:00pm–10:00pm Eastern Time
- 6:00pm–9:00pm Central Time
- 5:00pm-8:00pm Mountain Time
- 4:00pm-7:00pm Pacific Time
- Start date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024. End date: Thursday, November 12, 2024.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: No class on Thursday, October 31, 2024.
- There are no educational or experiential prerequisites required to take the course. Participants will receive course books via the diocese.
- REQUIREMENT: Applicants must have laptop (or iPad, minimally) for viewing several presentations and important pages from the course textbook. Class zoom sessions cannot be taken via phone. Please have a working screen as this screen must be on to show your face, due to the interactive and sensitive nature of the program.
How Do We Confirm Our Participation and Begin?
Catholic Extension Society and Trinity Missions are pleased to come together to be able to bring this resource for approved mission dioceses through a special course scholarship, at no cost to the diocese or the individual participant.
To apply, the diocese is required to have the support and endorsement of the local bishop, via Letter of Endorsement, and a list of interested participants. For dioceses with small groups, we recommend that the diocese designate a primary point of contact or group leader for your diocese (the class will be a combination of students from different Extension Dioceses).
To Apply:
Complete this online application by the deadline of Thursday, August 1, 2024.
- Applications must include the list of ALL interested participant fields with names, parishes they belong to, and contact information. Space is limited. If you intend on applying for more than six leaders, please notify Odette Barrientos before submitting.
- Bishop’s Endorsement Letter
- A signed partnership agreement.
For More Information, Contact:
Odette Barrientos, Senior Manager of Mission Programs, at (312) 795-6082 or obarrientos@catholicextension.org