October 1-4, 2023
Orlando, Florida
Catholic Extension Society is accepting applications for a scholarship for one diocesan-level representative to attend the 2023 International Catholic Stewardship Council Conference, scheduled for October 1-4 in Orlando, Florida.
This scholarship is intended for a maximum of one attendee per diocese, who is a diocesan-level representative, and will only be considered if your diocese would not otherwise be able to have any attendee at the conference. Scholarships will be considered at either full (airfare, hotel, and conference registration) or partial (conference registration and/or hotel), with greater consideration given to applications requesting only partial sponsorship. Meals and any other costs associated with attending this event are the responsibility of the diocese and not covered by Catholic Extension Society. Please review the steps below to understand the updated process for this year before applying.
Catholic Extension Society will also once again be hosting a special reception for Extension Diocese attendees at the conference on Monday, October 2. RSVP information for the reception will be sent in an upcoming issue of the Catholic Extension Society Bulletin. A conference schedule and downloadable registration form can be found online linked here.
Steps and timelines for the 2023 ICSC scholarship process:
- Confirm that you are the only attendee from your diocese for the 2023 ICSC, and that you will need Catholic Extension Society’s scholarship assistance to be able to attend.
- Register for the 2023 ICSC by Friday, July 28, by clicking here and selecting the “Early Bird Member Discount” rate of $549 (by June 30) or $599 (July 1-31). Your scholarship application (step 6) does not automatically register you for the conference, you must do this separately with ICSC. Please make every effort to make your reservation by June 30 to take advantage of the discounted rate.
- Reserve your accommodations at the Hyatt Regency Orlando by clicking here.
- Book your flight to the conference. Catholic Extension Society requests that air travel is purchased at the most cost-effective option available and does not reimburse for additional baggage fees, upgrades, or additional family member’s travel. If you need to travel by any other method than purchasing a flight, please contact us before submitting your application to receive advance approval. If you are driving to the conference instead of flying, Catholic Extension Society will reimburse the trip at the IRS standard rate of 14 cents per mile for charitable organizations.
- Download and complete the 2023 ICSC Scholarship Calculation form by filling in the three highlighted boxes using the information from steps 2-4 above.
- Once all the above steps have been completed, fill out the Online Funding Request form by the deadline of Friday, July 28. Your scholarship calculation form and flight receipt must be attached to your funding request (on the final page) in order to receive reimbursement. Catholic Extension Society will only provide reimbursement on confirmed and receipted costs, and not any estimates.
Please remember that all scholarship applications must be completed and submitted by no later than Friday, July 28 in order to take advantage of the early registration rate from ICSC and sponsorship from Catholic Extension Society. Contact mission@catholicextension.org with any questions.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!