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How to Make a Request for Funding

Things to consider before making a funding request

  1. Confirm funding eligibility, review our list of approved “Extension dioceses”.
  2. Review our funding process in the Catholic Extension Society Funding Guidelines (PDF).
  3. Identify your diocesan contact person to discuss your funding needs.
  4. Review the Review Frequently Asked Questions to see what funding opportunities are available, and for a list of required documents.
  5. Review our Funding Request Schedule (see dates below) for funding request deadlines and our quarterly disbursement dates.
  6. Select a funding category and submit a new Funding Request

What are the next funding request deadlines?

  • May 1, 2024
  • November 1, 2024

How do I make a request for funding?

Does Catholic Extension Society offer other types of funding opportunities?

Catholic Extension Society’s Strategic Initiatives allow us to multiply the impact of our donors’ gifts while providing the opportunity for dioceses to access top-level programs that would otherwise be outside of their financial capacity.

For more information about the current availability and nature of Catholic Extension Society Strategic Initiatives, please click here.