The purpose of this initiative is to provide outreach and effective ministry, leadership development, capacity training, and evangelization to communities and individuals that have been marginalized due to struggles with drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and gangs.

Catholic Extension Society has partnered with the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas to bring the successful Fuerza Transformadora ministry to Mission Dioceses. This ministry was founded in 2006, by Jaime Torres, the current Associate Director of Faith Formation in the Diocese of Little Rock.
This initiative will provide the opportunity for a mission diocese to participate in a three year grant to create and effectively maintain a Fuerza Transformadora ministry within your own diocese. This will include the training of a core leadership team, assistance in planning and running the first Survivors Retreat and on-going consultation for the development and flourishing of a vibrant substance abuse or drug prevention ministry.
Dioceses that choose to participate will make a commitment to providing meeting space, retreat space, identifying local leadership, along with a percentage of the costs for training materials and retreats.
Through this commitment, Jaime Torres, founder of Fuerza Transformadora, will travel to the participating dioceses do initial analysis, train local leadership and provide guidance. He will work with local leadership to determine the best approach for doing effective street ministry to reach those most marginalized within the diocese.
This ministry is currently offered in Spanish for ages 18 and up.
Duration: 3 years
Value to Participating Dioceses: $30,000
- Fuerza Transformadora Initiative Overview and Guidelines
- Fuerza Transformadora Frequently Asked Questions
- Action Plan for participation in Fuerza Transformadora
- Plan de accion(Spanish version)
- Fuerza Transformadora- Transformative Force Sample budget
To Apply
- Applications for this initiative are currently closed.
Required Application Documents
For More Information
Contact Karla Ortiz, Manager of Mission Programs, at 312.236.7240