Catholic Extension Society’s investment in priest formation often bears fruit in unexpected ways—especially where resources are scarce and people look to Church as their sole source of hope. And now more than ever, as churches close in response to COVID-19, Catholics are looking for hope.
That’s exactly what parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church in the Diocese of Tucson, got when Pastor Edward Lucero led a creative workaround to allow parishioners to receive a Eucharistic blessing on Sunday—from the driver’s seat of their car.
As a mission diocese, church communities in mission dioceses like Tucson have a history of persistently seeking creative solutions and ways to celebrate their Catholic faith, despite hardships and obstacles.
Catholic Extension Society has supported the Diocese of Tucson since 1906, which includes financial assistance for the seminarian education of Fr. Lucero.
Fr. Lucero blessed motorists in their parking lot Sunday morning with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance.
The outdoor Eucharistic blessings were popular and drew a line of traffic, as seen in images taken by Deacon Richard Kiser:
Parishioners stayed in their cars as they received the blessing.
Parishioners also responded positively to the blessings on social media.
“Thank you Fr. Lucero,” parishioner Martha Molinar said in a Facebook comment. “The minute we drove in..I started crying. Your Blessing was so special.”
Parishes across the country are adapting to the evolving situations they find themselves in. Churches in under-resourced parts of the country are no strangers to adversity. They will continue to find innovative ways to build up transformative, vibrant Catholic communities, and Catholic Extension Society will continue to proudly support them.
You can help church communities like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish creatively minister to their flock. Please give today.
Thanks to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioner Rich Tracy and Deacon Samuel Kiser for the images in this story.