A message from Father Jack Wall on a day of prayer and fasting for peace

Catholic Extension Society president invites all to answer Pope Francis' call to pray.

Read the message below from Catholic Extension Society’s president, Father Jack Wall, on how we can respond to Pope Francis’ call to pray in the wake of violence in the Middle East:

Pope Francis has asked us to join with him in a day of prayer and fasting for peace this Friday, October 27, as war continues in the Holy Land, Ukraine, and so many places of conflict. 

He urged all believers “to take just one part in this conflict: that of peace. But not in words—with prayer, with total dedication.” 

The Holy Father said that it will be a day of penance “to which I invite sisters and brothers of the various Christian denominations, those belonging to other religions, and all those who have at heart the cause of peace in the world, to join in as they see fit.” 

As members of Catholic Extension Society, a papal society, let us pray for peace in solidarity with Pope Francis, cognizant that at the heart of all we do is the core belief of the sacredness of human life. 

In that spirit, let us pray: 

God of mercy, give us your compassion to help the refugees, the orphaned, the widows, the starving, and the hopeless this day.  

God of peace, grant us your healing touch to serve those damaged in body and shattered in spirit by violence and war.  

God of justice, give us your strength to work toward reconciliation in the Middle East and at all the frontlines of our world. 

God of love, grant us the vision to see beyond our history of hurt, beyond vengeance and the cycle of fruitless reprisal. 

God of our human family, let Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

We offer You this prayer, that we may be changed. We offer You our fasting that You may fill our hunger for peace. 


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