Catholic Extension Society on Relevant Radio

Stories of faith
Sharing the mission of Catholic Extension Society

Catholic Extension Society is pleased to join Relevant Radio’s Morning Air to discuss the impact and involvement of the Catholic Church in “mission territory” and how it relates to today’s most important topics.

Listen to our latest appearance:

Summertime in the Catholic Church — July 2024

Joining the show is our Chief Mission Officer, Joe Boland, who has worked with Catholic Extension Society for 15 years.

He has traveled to America’s poorest regions meeting incredibly inspiring and dedicated faith leaders, joining Catholic Mass services in diverse and humble parish chapels, learning how innovative Catholic programs and teachings have revitalized communities, and witnessing the transformative work of the Church.

One of the things that gives me the greatest hope—and I get a front row to this through my role at Catholic Extension Society—is what the Church is doing. The Church is on the frontlines, serving the poor and serving those who are being impacted the most.”

Joe Boland

Follow Joe on Twitter.

Check out previous appearances:

The presence of the Catholic Church in Texas — April 2024

Catholic Extension Society’s Parish Partnership Program — January 2024

Is peace possible in our war-torn world? Perspectives from Catholics who lived through violence — October 2023

Discussing Catholic Extension Society’s 2023-2024 Lumen Christi Award Finalists — August 2023

St. Patrick’s Spirit in America — March 2023

Universities where Catholic Extension Society supports campus ministry competing in March Madness — March 2022

Catholic Extension Society’s outreach in the Eastern Kentucky Appalachian Mountains — January 2022

Advent Series: Shepherds of the Peripheries — December 2021

U.S. Census data and what it tells us about Catholic dioceses — October 2021

The 2021-22 Lumen Christi Award Finalists — August 2021

Rebuilding and strengthening the churches of Puerto Rico — June 2021

The relationship between migrant farmworkers and the Catholic Church — May 2021

Month of Mary — May 2021

How we can continue the powerful missionary legacy of St. Patrick in the U.S. — March 2021

Catholic Kinship Initiative — February 2021

Blessings and lessons of 2020 that we can carry forward into 2021 — December 2020

Hope and healing during the pandemic — November 2020

2,000 mile prayer of solidarity on the U.S.-Mexico border — October 2020

2020-21 Lumen Christi Award honoree announcement: Father Ron Foshage — September 2020

Summer of Stories — August 2020

Sisters on the Frontlines — July 2020

The Church reaching marginalized communities — June 2020