There are many ways to share the transformational work of Catholic Extension Society with your Catholic friends, family, community and parish. Browse the list below for ways to spread the word about the “best kept secret in the Catholic Church.” 

Subscribe to Extension

Extension magazine is the voice of Catholic Extension Society’s mission to strengthen the Church in America’s poor mission dioceses. Browse the latest issue and contact to receive copies of this quarterly magazine for your parish.

Order Calendars for Your Parish 

Catholic Extension Society is the only producer of Catholic calendars that gives 100% of proceeds to fund grants that benefit poor mission dioceses where faith is thriving but resources are scarce. Proceeds from your calendar purchase will help fund seminarian education and subsidize the salaries of priests, women religious and other leaders who have dedicated their lives to serving the Church. For more information, please contact Ray Totaro at 508-668-1781 or

Organize a Project

We invite Catholic schools and parishes to organize Lenten or other service projects to support America’s mission dioceses. Read stories of inspiring parish projects and learn how to get involved here.

Shop to Make A Difference 

Add us as your charity on Amazon Smile to donate a portion of your shopping to Catholic Extension Society. Encourage your friends, family and fellow parishioners to do the same!